
okie the stupid google says my vid does not exist & the flickr is taking yrs to upload pics..soO there.
taking photos wif cameras are such a drag, no doubt the quality is better.
today's one of my longest days..
probably cos there's not much customers & we have to learn the new things..
finally went to the deck where we open & close doors for pple..
sounds easy but there's many procedures to take note~
at 1st i was quite startled there's just a net after the platform & if u fall, u'll end up on the net above the fake rainforest..
but after the routines i kinda overlook all these.
working @ the deck was pretty tough when there's hardly anyone experienced to guide us through..
Highlight of the day was sunglass flew out of nowhere and went thru the net..and an old lady went weak in the knees & collapsed on the floor after entering the capsule.
i sort of panicked (i.e: i just stood there as her 2 family members helped her up)..partly cos i had no idea how exactly i can help & 2nd i was afraid to be more of a hindrance. was an apologetic & bad experience for me.
and after tt all the elderly & those with difficulties, we were more than aware to keep asking the control room to slow down.
@ the debrief, Serene was really frank (she pointed out to all the sups that no one was there to educate us but only to reprimmand us when we made a mistake)..i guess some weren't really happy with her comment.
then we had some complaint aka bitching session after work lOlx..
I am glad to noe our HC is well bonded and willing to go out & help one another...cos for a noOb like me, i'll seriously crumble if i dun hav assurance & support frm my fellow mates~
but i like chatting with some visitors, esp. the ang mohs becos dey're inviting & tend to take things less seriously..
talked to an old grandma & had this ang moh guy wanting to take a picture of me & jw.
I'm happy when they are happy because of the smiles & hospitality they received.